# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This is a decompile of the iscript.bin file 'data\scripts\iscript.bin' # created on: Fri Dec 08 12:30:10 2006 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # This header is used by images.dat entries: # 319 Starport (terran\starport.grp) .headerstart IsId 134 Type 20 Init StarportInit Death StarportDeath GndAttkInit StarportGndAttkInit AirAttkInit StarportAirAttkInit SpAbility1 StarportSpAbility1 GndAttkRpt StarportGndAttkInit AirAttkRpt StarportAirAttkInit SpAbility2 StarportSpAbility2 GndAttkToIdle StarportGndAttkToIdle AirAttkToIdle StarportAirAttkToIdle SpAbility3 StarportSpAbility3 Walking StarportWalking Other StarportOther BurrowInit StarportBurrowInit ConstrctHarvst [NONE] IsWorking StarportIsWorking Landing StarportLanding LiftOff StarportLiftOff Unknown18 StarportUnknown18 Unknown19 StarportUnknown19 Unknown20 StarportLanding Unknown21 [NONE] .headerend # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # StarportInit: wait 1 StarportLanding: playfram 0 goto StarportWalking StarportOther: playfram 1 local03: wait 125 goto local03 StarportGndAttkInit: wait 1 playsnd 7 # Misc\ExploLrg.wav attack26 gotorepeatattk goto local03 StarportAirAttkInit: wait 1 playsnd 7 # Misc\ExploLrg.wav attack26 gotorepeatattk goto local03 StarportGndAttkToIdle: wait 1 playfram 1 goto StarportOther StarportAirAttkToIdle: wait 1 playfram 1 goto StarportOther StarportSpAbility1: nobrkcodestart wait 1 playfram 6 wait 1 playfram 7 wait 1 playfram 8 castspell wait 1 playfram 7 wait 1 playfram 6 nobrkcodeend gotorepeatattk sigorder 2 goto StarportGndAttkToIdle StarportSpAbility2: nobrkcodestart wait 1 playfram 6 wait 1 playfram 7 wait 1 playfram 8 castspell wait 1 playfram 7 wait 1 playfram 6 nobrkcodeend gotorepeatattk sigorder 2 goto StarportGndAttkToIdle StarportSpAbility3: nobrkcodestart wait 1 playfram 6 wait 1 playfram 7 wait 1 playfram 8 castspell wait 1 playfram 7 wait 1 playfram 6 nobrkcodeend gotorepeatattk sigorder 2 goto StarportGndAttkToIdle StarportWalking: wait 125 goto StarportWalking StarportDeath: useweapon 31 playsnd 7 # Misc\ExploLrg.wav imgol08 334 0 0 # TerranBuildingExplosionlarge (thingy\tBangX.grp) wait 3 __3f_condjmp local01 sprul11 274 0 0 # TerranBuildingRubblelarge (thingy\RubbleL.grp) wait 1 end local01: wait 1 end StarportBurrowInit: playfram 3 goto StarportWalking StarportIsWorking: playfram 5 goto StarportWalking StarportLiftOff: nobrkcodestart wait 20 playsnd 472 # Misc\Land.WAV playfram 3 wait 5 playfram 2 wait 5 playfram 1 wait 5 playfram 4 wait 5 playfram 0 sigorder 16 nobrkcodeend goto StarportWalking StarportUnknown18: nobrkcodestart playsnd 471 # Misc\LiftOff.WAV playfram 4 wait 5 playfram 1 wait 5 playfram 2 wait 5 playfram 3 sigorder 16 nobrkcodeend goto StarportWalking StarportUnknown19: imgol08 320 0 0 # StarportOverlay (terran\StarpoT.grp) goto StarportWalking